July Webinar Series: Poolside Adventure Recreation Trends for Aquatic Professionals
Join us as we continue our webinar series on incorporating engaging adventure recreation elements into your aquatic facility design.
Date And Time
Wednesday July, 10th 2019
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM MDT
Wednesday July, 24th 2019
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM MDT
As adventure recreation becomes more mainstream, aquatic facilities are looking for exciting, active elements to add to their pool environment and depend on architects to present innovative and unique options.
As the leader in poolside climbing walls, AquaClimb is an expert in poolside adventure recreation and is expanding into more elements, including zip swings and over-water monkey bars.
In this webinar, AquaClimb Sales Consultant Eric Rasch shares his expertise on:
Emerging trends in poolside adventure recreation
Benefits for facilities in including adventure recreation elements in their aquatic environment
Considerations with selecting adventure recreation products for aquatic facility designs
You will walk away with more knowledgeable about including innovative and exciting adventure recreation elements in your designs.
Adventure Recreation Trends for Aquatic Professionals